Wednesday, October 9, 2019

On Spiritual "Disciplines"

Someone recently asked me about my use of the word "discipline" in a sermon.  They associated the word "discipline" with punishment; a very different use of the word than the one I had in mind.
So, I wrote back:

I don’t use the word “discipline” as a synonym for punishment.  I most often use it in the academic sense of "a field of study.”  But, in the sermon I used it as “training that molds moral character.”  I actually didn’t think about people hearing “punishment” when I said “discipline.”  Thank you for pointing out that punishment is one of the ways the dictionary defines the word (even if that it not my own usual usage).

She uses the word “practices” rather than “disciplines.”  Perhaps, I should have used the word practices.

I was thinking of practices that shape or form us as disciplines.  Perhaps I could have used the habits.  I was thinking about monastic spirituality  such as one of the things one might do in a “rule of life."

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