Monday, August 19, 2013

Beginning to think about this Fall's Every Member Canvass: What kind of giver are you?

Below are four different “categories” of church membership based on the relationship between the institution and the individual.  This list is not exhaustive.  There are other “categories.”  This list is not definitive.  There are other ways to define one’s relationship to a particular congregation.  The list is meant for you to categorize yourself.  You should refrain from attempting to categorize anyone but yourself.

Each fall, the Episcopal Church conducts an “Every Member Canvass” in which the congregation asks its communicants to financially support the mission and ministry of the parish.  When you answer the appeal, you may find yourself asking and answering these questions:  What do I get from Church? Why do I give to the Church?  Do I get my money’s worth?

Different people answer the questions in different ways.  Its important to remember that everyone else is not in your same “category.”

The categories below are not mutually exclusive.  You can be in more than one (e.g. “A little bit of Anthony and a little bit of Ben”).

Category A:  “Anthony and Andrea”

What do I get from Church?

  1. A beautiful place and a tasteful liturgy for my funeral, wedding, or baptism for myself or my family.
  2. A weekly outing to see friends and experience tasteful liturgy (good music, correct English grammar, good order, well done, etc.).
  3. Some programming for myself or my family that is enjoyable and that I find valuable and/or helpful for me or my family.

Why do I give to the Church?

  1. So I can have a beautiful place and a tasteful liturgy for my funeral, wedding, or baptism for myself or my family.
  2. So I can have a weekly outing to see friends and experience tasteful liturgy (good music, correct English grammar, good order, well done, etc.).

Do I get my money’s worth?

  1. No.  Church is far too expensive for what you get in return, but if items (1), (2) and (3) above are important to you, then its just the price you have to pay.
  2. No, and I’m not going to continue giving to the Church; its a poor use of my limited resources.
  3. Yes.  I contribute to the extent that I think I’ve gotten my money’s worth and no more.

Category B:  “Ben and Beatrice”

What do I get from Church?

  1. a place to (pick one) play bridge, attend AA meetings, enjoy the fellowship of a sewing circle, attend a board meeting of a local non-profit, enjoy the fellowship of a community group.

Why do I give to the Church?

  1. I don’t give.  The Church offers this service to me and I accept their generosity.
  2. I drop a little something in the plate or by the office from time to time; enough, I figure, to help off-set the wear and tear on the building created by my group or activity.

Do I get my money’s worth?

  1. Yes.  I contribute to the extent that I think I’ve gotten my money’s worth.  Its important to me that I pull my own weight, so I give what I think is a reasonable amount for what I receive.
  2. Yes.  Its hard to beat free.

Category C:  “Candice and Carl”

What do I get from Church?

  1. A bit of freedom from my guilt.  I feel guilty because I don’t do enough for others or I do too much for myself and going to Church helps balance the scale of justice. 
  2. It is what you are supposed to do.  Going to Church is something I can do that I should be doing (like flossing my teach, eating healthy meals, exercising three times a week, wearing sunscreen, voting in elections, etc.)  When I go, I get to check it off my to do list and feel good about myself for having done what I should be doing.
  3. I’d feel guilty if I didn’t go.  My parents taught me to go to Church and if I didn’t go, I would not be living up to the ideals they set before me.
  4. I’d be ashamed if others saw that I was not going.  They would think I was a bad person.  Going to Church means I avoid the shame associated with not going.

Why do I give to the Church?

  1. to relieve my guilt.
  2. to avoid shame.
  3. to fulfill my duty.

Do I get my money’s worth?

  1. Yes; and more--because I never give enough.
  2. Yes; I fulfill what is expected of me.

Category D:  “Doris and Dan”

What do I get from Church?

  1. to be a part of a community that is dedicated to trying to follow Jesus.
    1. encouragement on the “journey”
    2. opportunity to be shaped and formed by the community into what God wants me to become.
    3. chance to help others:  both those who are “on the journey” with me and those who have not begun to “travel this path.”  Helping others is one of the ways I am shaped and formed.
  2. a chance to practice my faith in a concrete (flesh and blood) way.  Being spiritual is not enough for me, I need the material--the grit, dirt, and mess--of trying to live my faith in a community of others who are trying to do the same.
  3. The opportunity to pray to God with others.
  4. The opportunity to learn about God with others.
  5. The opportunity to serve others in God’s name.

Why do I give to the Church?

  1. Giving is one of the ways I am being shaped and formed by the community--it is one of the spiritual disciplines that can change me when I practice it, make it a habit.
  2. I believe in the mission of the Church and I want to support that mission.

Do I get my money’s worth?

  1. Yes, and more!  By giving of my time and my talents and my treasure, I get something that is priceless.
  2. Yes, the giver always receives more than the one receiving.  It is a paradox of love.
  3. The question is the wrong question.  Its not about me getting; its about how much I need to give.  I don’t ask “How much is this worth?” (I couldn’t afford it!)  Rather, I ask myself, what does God require of me, ask of me, expect of me.  I ask “How much do I need to give.”

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