Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Back in Town

My last post from Rochester didn't post till today. Sorry about that.

We got back to Louisville late Saturday. We drove all the way through. I have been exhausted since our return and haven't done a great deal.

My father in law has returned to Alabama. Katherine has returned to work.

No news. I don't really expect there to be any news until I get back in Mayo the week of the 16th. If, however, there is any news. I will let you know.


Paul said...
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Paul said...

Sorry I hate spell check. What I meant to say was I am glad you are back in town and it is such a wonderful thing to have Katherine as your Champion! Get plenty of rest and I hope to see you soon. Take care.

Roger said...
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Roger said...
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Roger said...

First, the two deletions above are mine because I messed up my account name. Now I start over!

Secondly, I haven't seen you in a while and I hope this finds you feeling much better. Please remember to call if you are up for lunch or coffee. Almost any day but Wednesday is good for lunch!

With all best wishes.