Friday, August 31, 2007

Pre-Op Testing

Did my pre-op testing this morning at Baptist Hospital East. I am now set for surgery next Wednesday, 9:00 a.m. at BHE. Dr. Steven Reiss will be performing the surgery.

The surgery entails drilling a hole in my skull (behind my right ear) and removing a piece of my brain for testing. The testing part is two-fold. They will look at it and see if they see anything (pathology) which will be quick. They will also send it to the lab to culture, which will take 6 weeks.


MercedesDieselGuy said...

I feel that there's some sort of funny comment I could make about the whole "drilling a hole in your brain thing" but after three punmpkinhead ales and a long day, nothing is coming to mind. Maybe it's leaked out of a hole in my head...

MercedesDieselGuy said...

P.S. This "Rick" is actually Hilary...I'm just using his computer. Oh and by the way, we'll both be down in October, so you can meet him.